Sunday, July 29, 2007

First Amendment Claims Attempt to Hide Hatred

No matter how you dress it up, hatred is hatred is hatred. Some evangelicals are now trying to hid behind the first amendment as they continue their campaign of hatred against homosexuals.

"Pointer and many other preachers oppose a proposal in Congress to expand federal hate crimes laws to include sexual orientation, gender and disability to the racial, ethnic and religious categories already covered. They say the bill would censor their preaching, especially their sermons about homosexuality."

First of all it seems amazing that one could argue, as a Christian, the need for hate speak. Second, the bill would have no bearing on sermons delivered in church,

"It covers only violent acts that result in death or bodily injury. It does not prohibit or punish speech, expression or association in any way, even hate speech. People will always be free to speak their mind about issues."

Of course evangelicals never let the truth get in the way of their narrative.

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